“If I sell my business/real estate, I am going to get killed with taxes!”
Ever heard someone make that statement? Or maybe you’ve even made it yourself?
Now, what if tell you there is a perfectly legal way to defer the capital gains tax, reduce your immediate tax burden, and even double your income?
In fact, what if I told you that you cannot only double your income, but will never have to stress about tenants, toilets, trash, bookkeeping, employees, and rent ever again because I have identified that legal loophole for you?
The secret legal under-utilized tax strategy I’m talking about is called Deferred Sales Trust™.
Those of us who own highly appreciated assets, such as homes, commercial real estate, and businesses are often reluctant to sell because of the capital gains tax and depreciation recapture costs.
Here Is A Short Run-Down of This Game-Changing Program:
Deferring taxes legally is nothing new. In fact, you probably have one or more tax-deferral vehicles already setup. How about a 401(k) or an IRA? Have you ever done a 1031 exchange or explored a charitable remainder trust? All of these are examples of government compliant tax deferral.
The strategy allows you to sell your property once and for all, and leave behind property taxes, maintenance, and all those worries about occupancy and whether tenants will be paying.
Trust law predates the formation of the US law and tax law. Various types of trusts are used by millions of Americans to protect and preserve their wealth for themselves and the people they care about most.
This is a total game-changer and if you are interested in learning more about this under-utilized strategy and whether it might work for you – then fill out our Illustration Request Form – which can be found at this link and we’ll send you a Personalized FREE report which illustrates your particular facts and circumstances as they relate to utilizing the strategy.
This is THE BREAK many of us have been asking and wishing for and ironically, it’s been under our nose the entire time. So don’t wait or put it off for “LATER” because that might be very costly – take action today to guarantee your safety, security, and protection of your loved ones.
Talk soon!
Will Rassman, CFP®
Prosper Point LLC